International Pig Veterinary Society Congress (2026)

International Pig Veterinary Society Congress (2026)
Đăng bởi: Tuan INTD

The 28th International Pig Veterinary Society (IPVS) Congress is set to take place in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, from June 16 to 19, 2026. This prestigious event brings together experts in pig health and production from around the world. Let’s delve into the significance of this congress and its impact on the global swine industry.

Why IPVS Matters for Pig Production and Health

  1. Global Challenges and Opportunities:

    • Pig production plays a pivotal role in providing food for the growing global population. However, it faces challenges related to diseases, quality, and quantity of meat.
    • The IPVS Congress serves as a platform for sharing experiences, knowledge, and perspectives among veterinarians, researchers, and industry professionals.
    • With diseases transcending borders, collaboration is essential for sustainable pig production and health management.
  2. IPVS Legacy:

    • Founded in 1967, the IPVS has organized 27 successful congresses over the past 50 years.
    • The upcoming 28th Congress in Ho Chi Minh City marks a milestone, celebrating the 50th anniversary of this esteemed event.
  3. Benefits of Hosting IPVS:

    • Hosting the IPVS Congress is an honor and recognition of a country’s progress in swine production and medicine.
    • It also boosts tourism and cultural exchange, positively impacting the host country’s economy and diplomacy.
  4. Vietnam’s Role:

    • Vietnam, a top-five country in pig herd size, will host the 28th IPVS Congress.
    • Nong Lam University in Ho Chi Minh City will play a key role as the event’s organizer.
    • The congress promises valuable information and networking opportunities for swine veterinary professionals worldwide.
      IPVS 2026 - Vietnam

Stay tuned for updates on the 28th IPVS Congress (2026) through our newsletters. Let’s make this international gathering a resounding success!


March 11, 2024 - IPVS

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